ADSC's Anti-Racism and Inclusivity Action Plan

UPDATE: We have published our official Code of Conduct here.

In order to build and practice a better and more inclusive Art Deco Society of California (ADSC), we must listen and learn from the inspiring voices within our community and beyond. It is our intent as a member-supported and registered non-profit to focus our efforts toward ensuring that our words, planning, deeds, and constructs do no harm to BIPOC and marginalized people in our country.

Organizations, especially those like the ADSC that draw from the past to celebrate the here and now, need to make changes to host welcoming events and experiences for all.

We commit to cultivating a Board of Directors comprising individuals who are diverse in race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, and ability so that we have more voices at the table when designing and planning events, lectures, and activities for members and the public.

We commit to including more diverse voices, histories, and stories in our lectures and workshops on the influences of Art Deco style.

We will seek to engage with Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other Minority-focused organizations in the Bay Area whose own outreach aligns with the ADSC mission to discuss future collaborations.

We commit to offering more examples, videos, and articles on budget-conscious and inclusive ways to create or style era-appropriate ensembles for our events through our pre-event programming and social media channels to ensure that anyone who wants to attend an ADSC event can fully participate.

We will establish and publish an anti-harassment policy that clarifies recognized forms of harassment, and we will use this policy as a basis for making real-time choices, decisions, and actions that better protect all participants and guests at our events.